Survivor One World – Finale

THE “BEST WOMAN WON!”  I can almost hear the clink, clink, clink of champagne glasses all over the world!  Finally, FINALLY a women’s alliance held strong to the very end. There’s hope, redemption, and the amazing power of one woman to hold a FOCUS come hell or high water!  Kim completely stopped the world for me in those final…

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Survivor One World – Episode 13

THE GAME IS NO LONGER ‘A FOOT’!  Miraculously, 64 year old Greg Smith, AKA TARZAN, made a mark for himself by being “the last man standing”.  He made a noble effort to “put himself” in the mix, but it didn’t fly with the women. Tarzan creates a true conundrum.  On the one hand, he’s humble and wise.  Except when…

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Survivor One World – Episode 12

“BLIND SIDES ARE FUN AND EXCITING!” Famous last words of our speechless, astonished, bewildered, pitiful boo hoo, whining, wimpy, sobbing whimpering, wailing, griping, annoying, pathetic little cutsie poo 22 year old, selfish Kat. Bye Bye, So Long,  and Good Riddance!! I do believe that Kat finally learned something!  “SHE’S THE MOST NAÏVE PERSON ON THE PLANET!”  Hellllloooooo! Relief fell from the…

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Survivor One World – Episode 11

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!  Now “who’s island is it, Troyzan?” I wonder if he regrets saying “Don’t f__k with me. This is my island”!  Of course, most of us don’t regret saying anything unless it ruins our lives…or costs us a million dollars! It’s just the truth:  What goes around comes around and bites you in the butt!  Gratefully Troyzan has…

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Survivor One World – Episode 9

DIDN’T OUR GIRLS “PUT ON THEIR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND MAKE A BIG GIRL DECISION!  Now we’re in the game for real!  It’s a miracle! A women’s alliance has finally got a toe-hold in this game. Tonight was a head on collision with shear brilliance.  Kim and Sabrina totally ROCKED MY WORLD!  You could almost hear clamped butts slam…

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